Out of scope

Ensa Versailles
Ensa Lyon

    This section present videos realized by students in partner schools during experiments on sound and space or art practice. These first inspiring creations for the contest were conducted in different formats not completly fitting with the contest conditions. Thy are not models to follow but selected examples for their inner qualities.

Ensa Versailles

To visualize the videos of the Versailles architecture’s school, click here

Studio son
Encadré par Gilles Paté
École Nationale Supérieure d’architecture Versailles, FR

Ensa Lyon

To visualize the videos of the Lyon architecture’s school, click here

Laboratoire des ambiances
Encadré par Gilles Paté et Cécile Regnault
École Nationale Supérieure d’architecture de Lyon, FR


Cécile Regnault : cecile.regnault@lyon.archi.fr
Gilles Paté : gillespate@gmail.com

+33 (0)1 42 78 10 15